
WeChat ID youthmba Intro 少年商学院是一所“移动版的国际学校”, 先后获美国斯坦福大学d.school创办人与英国爱丁堡公爵奖官方授权,致力将全球最好的素质教育课程与实践项目带给中国中小学生,使其获得与欧美名校学生一样的软实力。官网:youthMBA.com 这是少年商学院微信(点击标题下方“少年商学院”关注)第1051次分享,主要分享一份“小升初”个人申请书,作者是在新加坡读书的华人女孩“蹦蹦”。蹦蹦妈接受了少年商学院新媒体部的采访并给予授权。 全球关注的“人机围棋大战”昨天落下帷幕。机器狗4:1赢了韩国高手李世石。这个过程中,有一个话题大家也很关注:孩子从小学围棋似乎是一件很酷的事情?答案是肯定的。今天分享一位小名蹦蹦的12岁女孩“小升初”时亲手写的一份个人陈述(Personal Statement),个人陈述里她就只写了一件事:从小学棋带给我的改变。 昨天我们采访了蹦蹦妈,她介绍说,新加坡小升初有“直接收生计划”(Direct School Admission),通俗来讲就是对特长生大开绿灯。学生提供一般能力测试(General Ability Test)的分数一份个人陈述(Personal Statement),即可申请。女儿蹦蹦的数学成绩优异,所以关键就看这份个人陈述了。 这和海外大学申请原则类似,一份真实的、有故事的、能体现综合能力的个人陈述是“软实力”的证明。率性的12岁的蹦蹦不让父母帮她做主,径自在个人个人陈述中讲了自己从小学围棋的故事。未料到这使她获得了新加坡两所顶尖女校——南洋女中和Raffles Girl Secondary School的面试资格,她最后选择了后者。 今天我们就来看看蹦蹦写的这份英文的个人陈述书,中文由少年商学院新媒体部翻译。相信孩子有学围棋的父母看完这份陈述,一定更会心有戚戚:   I first started playing Weiqi when I was 5 years old. Since then, I have spent at least an hour each day doing Weiqi ‘sums’ to improve my skills. To further develop my abilities in the game, I also participated in a lot of Weiqi tournaments. I believe that ‘you reap what you sow’, and all my time and efforts have delivered results. I have received many awards, most of them in champion and runner-up positions, and even represented Singapore in many international competitions, with the most significant one being First World Mind Sport Gamein Beijing, 2008. 我5岁开始学围棋。从那时起,我每天都会花1小时做围棋的习题。我还参加了很多比赛来锻炼我的棋艺。俗话说,“一分耕耘,一分收获”,我付出的时间和努力都是有回报的。我得了很多奖,大部分都是第一第二名的好成绩。我还代表新加坡参加过很多国际大赛,其中就有2008年在北京举行的第一届世界智力运动会。 The most memorable Weiqi game I had was during a selection game. I was losing badly and was on the verge of giving up. After thinking intensely for about 10 minutes, I suddenly noticed a flaw in my opponent’s formation of seeds. I captured some of his seeds and actually won that game. I was greatly encouraged from then on in facing challenges and difficulties. Nothing is for certain until the end, so even if we are losing, we should keep fighting until the end. Similarly, if we are winning a game, we should not become complacent as this could lead to our ‘downfall’. 我印象最深刻的一场围棋比赛是一次选拔赛。我被逼得无路可走,几乎要投降了。但是,在全神贯注地思考了10分钟之后,我突然发现了对方的弱点。我吃了他几个子,最后赢了那一局棋。我很受鼓舞,从那之后,遇到困难,我也会迎难而上。不到最后一刻,谁输谁赢都难说。因此,就算是暂时落后,也要奋战到最后一刻。同样地,如果暂时领先,也不能骄傲自满,因为骄傲很容易让人一落千丈。 Weiqi is a unique form of chess with two colours of seeds – black and white. It also has more tactical possibilities than any other types of chess games. In theory,there are more than 2361 possible moves.This helps me to develop my mental strength and ability as I have to try to think ahead to plan the best possible moves. Due to the training I have received in Weiqi, I automatically plan ahead before doing anything, which in turn allows me to evaluate the situation and make the best possible decision. 围棋是一种很特别的棋类游戏,棋子分黑色和白色两种。围棋有很多种可以获胜的战术,理论上来说有2361种不同的走法,比其他棋类游戏多得多。围棋锻炼了我的心理素质。下棋时我需要提前考虑下几步棋的走法,这也就让我养成了做事情都要提前规划的习惯,让我学会通过判断现状来做出最佳的选择。 Weiqi has also taught me how to cope with pressure and how to deal with loss. As a child who plays Weiqi regularly, I have gone through failures and faced more difficult situations than most other children. Instead of feeling dejected, I have been motivated to work harder. We should always try our best, but in the event of a loss, we must accept it by not letting it affect our emotions and move on. Whenever I do not perform well for anything, I will reflect upon myself and seek ways to improve myself and take it as a reminder to work harder. Now, any failure will not emotionally destroy me. 围棋教会我怎么应对压力,怎么面对失败。学围棋的孩子会遇到比其他同龄孩子更多的困难和失,我也一样,但我没有气馁,反而学会了鼓起勇气继续努力。做什么事情我们都应该尽全力,失败的时候则要学会接受,不要让失败影响我们的情绪,要继续往前走。每次我遇到失败的时候,我都会反思自身,找出仍需改进的地方,提醒自己不断努力。现在,任何失败都不会使我动摇了。 I also learnt other values from Weiqi. Unlike other forms of chess, every Weiqi seed is equal but its value will change over the course of the game. Everyone has an equal chance to succeed, but whether they do depend on their efforts and attitude. From this, I learnt that if I work hard enough, anything is possible – ‘the sky is the only limit’. 我从围棋中学到的还不止这些。围棋和其他棋类不一样,每一刻棋子都是平等的,但是它们的价值却会随着棋局进行而改变。每位棋手都有平等的机会获胜,但是否能获胜还是取决于他们的努力和态度。这让我明白了,世上无难事,只怕有心人。只要努力,就没有办不到的事。 Weiqi has been with me for many years and has shaped me into who I am today. Without it,I would not be as resilient or as hardworking today. 围棋一直陪伴着我,让我成长。如果没有围棋,我是不会像现在这样有毅力,这样勤奋。   一项孩子真正喜欢的爱好及坚持,和一对“敢让孩子做自己”的父母,将使Ta受益终身。你的孩子有坚持哪项爱好并使Ta收获良多吗?欢迎点击右下“写留言”与少年商学院微信朋友分享。 少年商学院微信相关文章(点击阅读): 《10岁男孩1分钟自我介绍,赢得CCTV英语演讲比赛满堂喝彩》 《小小羽毛球缘何改变了我的女儿》 《为什么美国孩子都会画画》 《我在女儿运动项目选择上犯过的错》 《欧洲父母如何引导孩子的爱好》 Author requires users to follow Official Account before leaving a comment Write a comment Write a comment Loading Most upvoted comments above Learn about writing a valuable comment Scan QR Code via WeChat to follow Official Account

